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Tutorial 8: Error Handling

Reason of this project:
Error handling is one of the most difficult thing that may afford a programmer. It isn't as easy as you think and handling errors in a program some time can make errors occur!

Project details:
1- New solution for handling errors in .net
2- Try...Catch...Finally Block
3- Error handling sample

1- New solution for handling errors in .net

Errors handling had been improved with the new .net. The Try...End try block can minimize code and simplify it.
However some old methods still alive with the .net 2.0 which can be useful sometimes.
There's also some changes that we'll discuss.
From the first Visual Basic edition and also I remember it on QBasic, there was a method to handle errors which is "On Error".
Now the method still exist but replace with the new Try...End try block.
In error raising we'll use the Throw command.

2- Try...Catch...Finally Block

The Try...Catch...Finally Block structure

Here's the code where you want to monitor for errors

When an error occurs, the application will jump immediately to this section.

This step is optional, but if defined it'll run whatever an error occur or not.
Generally we use it to close an opened file or connection

There can be different types of errors.
This structure allows you to handle each type alone.

' ----- The Code is here.
Catch ex As System.OutOfMemoryException
' ----- Handle memory errors here.
Catch ex As System.Exception
----- Handle all other errors here.
End Try

You can do more customization for the Catch block and this shows how much the .net is flexible.
Let understand how this was done.
The integer is empty when we start running the code. Now we go to step 1, the integer contain 1. If an error occur, the application will stop processing and jump to the Catch blocks. Each block to choose? ;)

Dim Step as integer
' ----- The Code is here.
Step = 1
Step = 2
Catch ex As Exception When Step = 1
' ----- Handle
the step 1 errors
Catch ex As Exception When Step = 2
' ----- Handle the
step 2 errors
End Try

3- Error handling sample

The sample is simple!
There's two text boxes, you have to fill both of them with numbers. By pressing the button you'll divide them.
When the problem can occur?

Dim a As Integer = CInt(TextBox1.Text) 'Here when converting
Dim b As
Integer = CInt(TextBox2.Text) 'Here when converting
TextBox3.Text = a / b
'When dividing by Zero or big numbers (out of capacities)

How to handle those errors?
Check out the sample to know how we can do it. The sample is commented and explanation is inside.

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The Zip file contains:
-The sample source code
-The readme.txt file
-The tutorial.txt file

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Tutorial 7: Interaction Commands and Functions

Reason of this project:
The Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction class exposes many useful commands and methods that were available in Visual Basic like AppActivate, Beep, Callbyname...
This tutorial shows how to work with some of them.
Project details:
1- From VB 6.0 to VB .net 2.0
2- Useful interaction commands
3- Samples of interaction commands

1- From VB 6.0 to VB .net 2.0

There was several changes on VB .net (it's a big change and that's clear). Although in an effort to make the transition from VB 6 to VB 2005 as easy as possible, Microsoft has gathered most of the Visual Basic 6.0 commands and functions in the Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll assembly.
Some of the commands and functions was deleted, other still the same and others changed to the .net syntax.
For Example:
VbCrlf which is used on VB 6.0 (as a separator) still alive on VB .net 2.0 but a new syntax is already available for use.
ControlChars.crlf is the new method
As you are using VB .net I recommend that use the new syntax, and I'm going to introduce some of the important change between the old and the new syntax.

2- Useful interaction commands

VB 6.0 syntax contain many useful interaction commands and function like the Message Box for example. Those commands still alive but have been improved in the .net 2.0 version.

Shell Function:
The shell function runs an executable program, it works like the command line so you can use it as a command line.
The shell function is capable of returning an integer indicating if the program still running or not. The shell function was expanded in the .net 2.0 version and supports an additional argument that enables you to specify whether to wait until the shelled program terminates with an optional timeout.
Use of the function
Shell (Application Path, Style, Wait, Timeout)

' Run Notepad.exe and wait until the user terminates it.
Shell ("notepad", AppWinStyle.NormalFocus, True)

AppActivate Function:
AppActivate is a cool function that may be helpful if you are developing application for Windows. Now let see how this works and what it do. The AppActivate function as it names, activate a currently running application.
How it activates? Simply by giving the focus to the application Window.
The function is quite useful and require only to know the windows caption!
Use of the function
AppActivate ( Title) or AppActivate (ProcessID)

NB: You have to choose either to use the title or the processID and not both!

Now let's see this example
' Activate the NotePad Window
AppActivate("Untitled - Notepad")

Now as we know those simple functions we can use them to build helpful projects and application. Now see the sample of the interaction commands.

3- Samples of interaction commands

This sample is exactly a direct (little expanded) application of the two functions that we have studied together right now.
There's only one sample and if you run it you'll get a window with 2 buttons.
Each button introduce a sample for each function. The button caption let you distinguish them.

The Shell sample:
Run a notepad application and return a message if the NotePad was closed.
If the timeout was exceeded (5 seconds), return a message that the NotePad still running
The AppActivate:
The following sample run a notepad with no focus and use AppActivate to give it the focus.
So the sample use both of the functions

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The Zip file contains:
-The sample source code
-The readme.txt file
-The tutorial.txt file

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Reason of this project:
This is the next part of the previous tutorial. We'll learn here how to add, change, read, delete registry keys and values using
I included a sample that contains all those functionality.
Project details:
1- How to add a registry key/value
2- How to read a registry value
3- How to delete a key or a value
4- Changing a value or a key
5- Hints to use registry with
6- The registry reader (

1- How to add a registry key/value

One thing that I think I forget to notice. A folder in the registry is name "key" and the elements in this key are named "values".
There's a description of each value type in the 5th tutorial
Now we'll see how to add a key or a value.
Probably you have thought where we'll put it and whether it's a key or a value.
So we have 2 things to notice.
Visual Basic will automatically show you the hives (they are stored in).
You'll have only to choose the needed one.
To do that paste the following line.

This line will create a key in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive and will be named "testkey"
Now let's move on to see how to set a value.
For the value we'll need three things: Value path, Value name and value value. We can also precise the value type if not Visual Basic will try to assign the value type depending on the object type.
My.Computer.Registry.SetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\TestKey", "TestValue", "This is a test value.")

Tip: Type "," and Visual Basic will show a list of value types.

The sample:
The sample contain two part, one for creating keys and the other to create values.
To create a key just put the named of the key and it'll be created in the Current_User folder.
To assign a value, type the complete path, for example "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\mykey" and then the value name then the value content and click add to create it.

2- How to read a registry value

The next thing is to read what we wrote!
This is so simple, just put the following line.
You'll need to have the Path and the name of the value.
Dim readValue As String
readValue = My.Computer.Registry.GetValue _
("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\TestKey", "TestValue", Nothing)
MsgBox("The value is " & readValue)

If you wish to do more complex things, like getting the keys in a hive and getting the values of keys...
Then you should see the registry viewer sample. (Download the source code to get it)

3- How to delete a registry key or value

We finish by deleting what we added.
To do this it's easy!
The following line will delete a key

To delete a value
my.Computer .Registry .CurrentUser.DeleteValue("Test value")

4- Changing a value or a key

Changing a value can be somewhat difficult.
Dim autoshell = My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon", True)
'' Set the value to 0
autoshell.SetValue("autorestartshell", 0)
After opening a subkey (don't forget true! as it give you permission to delete), we can use the autoshell in order to change any value in the following subkey.

5- Hints to use registry with

We can count the values in a hive

But also the keys

And check if a value exist
If My.Computer.Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\MyKey", _
"TestValue", Nothing) Is Nothing Then
MsgBox("Value does not exist.")
MsgBox("Value exist.")
End If

6- The registry reader (

I have included an application with the source code. This one will resume all what we have done.
It's like the registry editor of Windows but still view only and can't edit values.

Download the source code

The Zip file contains:
-The sample source code
-The registry viewer application
-The readme.txt file
-The tutorial.txt file

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If you have any problem or you found a bug, post a comment describing your problem.
If you have a general question, we highly recommend the MSDN Forums as the best Dot Net forums in the net.

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Tutorial 5: What is Windows registry (Registry Keys)

Reason of this project:
I wrote this tutorial in order to help the hundred of programmers searching on the web for Windows registry.
This is an like introduction, if you are seeking how to use and deploy the registry keys with, just see the next tutorial (It'll be tutorial 6).
In this tutorial I'll show what is the windows registry system and why use it.

Project details:
1- What is Windows registry and why use it
2- How to read, write and change the registry
3- HIVES and their use
4- Definition of registry values

1- What is Windows registry and why use it.

You can compare the Windows registry to a database. It stores informations related to Windows and other installed application on your system, but also Hardware.
Think now if someone need to change the computer name via programming. How can he do this?
Programmers can think of files (text files) to store the computer and windows information. But when file get big and heavy, Database will be more secure. And then they had (Windows builder) the choice of a database "Windows Registry".
Microsoft Dot Net Frame 1.1 and higher have implemented a great solution for registry on their classes. This will replace the hard work and long lines of code that programmers have to write if they are using Visual Studio 6.0 for example.

2- How to read, write and change the registry

Windows has a wonderful tool on it, named "Registry Editor". But you won't find it, unless you open the System32 folder on the Windows folder.
But we can easily run it through the execute command it the start menu. Just type "regedit" (without quotes).
Now the registry editor will open.
Please before doing any changes on your registry make a backup.
To do a windows registry backup: File > Export > Give a name for the file and select the All option box.
The backup may block your pc from working for a short period of time.
You'll see that there are 5 folder. Those are the main folder (named hives) and you can't add another main folder.
Now you can select any folder and right click on it, then add a new sub-folder or value.
By selecting any folder and right clicking, you'll find a list of action that you can do.
If the action is blended (made not selectable), then either it's impossible or you don't have the rights to do this action.
You need administrator rights to change registry keys.

3- HIVES (main registry folders) and their use

The registry is split into a number of logical sections named "hives", those are the top main folder that can added, edited or renamed.
They all start with "HKEY" prefix.

Stores information about registered applications, such as Associations from File Extensions and OLE Object Class ID's tying them to the applications used to handle these items.
Stores settings that are specific to the currently logged-in user. The HKCU key is a link to the subkey of HKEY_USERS that corresponds to the user; the same information is reflected in both locations. On Windows-NT based systems, each users' settings are stored in their own files called NTUSER.DAT and USRCLASS.DAT inside their own documents and settings subfolder.
Stores settings that are general to all users on the computer. On NT-based versions of Windows, HKLM contains four subkeys, SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE and SYSTEM, that are found within their respective files located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Config folder. A fifth subkey, HARDWARE, is volatile and is created dynamically, and as such is not stored in a file. Information about system hardware drivers and services are located under the SYSTEM subkey, whilst the SOFTWARE subkey contains software and windows settings.
Contains subkeys corresponding to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER keys for each user registered on the machine.
Contains information gathered at runtime; information stored in this key is not permanently stored on disk, but rather regenerated at boot time.

4- Definition of registry values

Binary Value
Raw binary data. Most hardware component information is stored as binary data and is displayed in Registry Editor in hexadecimal format.
Data represented by a number that is 4 bytes long (a 32-bit integer). Many parameters for device drivers and services are this type and are displayed in Registry Editor in binary, hexadecimal, or decimal format. Related values are DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN (least significant byte is at the lowest address) and REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN (least significant byte is at the highest address).
Expandable String Value
A variable-length data string. This data type includes variables that are resolved when a program or service uses the data.
Multi-String Value
A multiple string. Values that contain lists or multiple values in a form that people can read are generally this type. Entries are separated by spaces, commas, or other marks.
String Value
A fixed-length text string.
Binary Value
A series of nested arrays that is designed to store a resource list that is used by a hardware device driver or one of the physical devices it controls. This data is detected and written in the \ResourceMap tree by the system and is displayed in Registry Editor in hexadecimal format as a Binary Value.
Binary Value
A series of nested arrays that is designed to store a device driver's list of possible hardware resources the driver or one of the physical devices it controls can use. The system writes a subset of this list in the \ResourceMap tree. This data is detected by the system and is displayed in Registry Editor in hexadecimal format as a Binary Value.
Binary Value
A series of nested arrays that is designed to store a resource list that is used by a physical hardware device. This data is detected and written in the \HardwareDescription tree by the system and is displayed in Registry Editor in hexadecimal format as a Binary Value.
Data without any particular type. This data is written to the registry by the system or applications and is displayed in Registry Editor in hexadecimal format as a Binary Value
A Unicode string naming a symbolic link.
Data represented by a number that is a 64-bit integer. This data is displayed in Registry Editor as a Binary Value and was introduced in Windows 2000.

This tutorial doesn't contain any source.
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The Zip file contains:
-The readme.txt file
-The tutorial.txt file

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If you have any problem or you found a bug, post a comment describing your problem.
If you have a general question, we highly recommend the MSDN Forums as the best Dot Net forums in the net.

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Tutorial 4: Avoiding the Timer Control

Reason of this project:
I have done a long search on this theme. I have already published 2 tutorials on how to use timer.
Now I found a method with on how to count without using the timer control.
This can be helpful if you are using a Command Line Application

Project details:
1- How this work?
2- A small sample
3- The stopwatch class

1- How this work?

It works exactly like the timer work! The stopwatch is a class that can help you count.
To declare this class use this line of code:
Imports System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
This line must be left in the top of the code before anything.
I'll introduce in the 2d sample how to use the stop watch class.
However in the next sample, I'll show a simple method to avoid using the timer control and the Stopwatch also.

2- A small sample

Our aim here is to calculate the time elapsed between 2 different steps in the program.
This task seems to be complex and need a timer. But we'll do it without a timer in a very simple method.
How this is done?
The Now.tick return a time (don't matter what it return), however this time change regularly. (It's a real counter).
Between the two steps we'll calculate the difference and divide it by 10,000,000. (Because Tick precision is Nano-second!!).
This is the code so far:
Dim First As Long
Dim second As Long
Dim time As Double
First = Now.Ticks
MsgBox("OK to see counted time")
second = Now.Ticks
time = (second - First) / 10000000
MsgBox("Time in seconds: " & time.ToString())

See the sample for more information (Commented)

3- The stop watch

The previous method is helpful but can be limited to work with.
The stop watch will solve the problem. It's a class that exist in the .net Frame Work.
To declare this class use this line of code:
Imports System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
This line must be left in the top of the code before anything.
I have already mentioned this, but although people don't see it and then have a problem when trying to run their application.
If you don't import the class you can't work with it!
What's the stopwatch class? It's a stopwatch!
How it works? exactly like the timer control, we can say that it's a timer control.
This is the line that will create a new stopwatch
Dim mystopwatch As New System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch

We'll start counting with the following line.

And we'll get the elapsed time with

You can see the source code in the 2nd sample for more details.

Download Source Code

The Zip file contains:
-The two example source code
-The readme.txt file
-The tutorial.txt file

Still have question:
If you have any problem or you found a bug, post a comment describing your problem.
If you have a general question, we highly recommend the MSDN Forums as the best Dot Net forums in the net.

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Tutorial 3: Introduction for SQL Server

Reason of this project:
If you are a beginner in the domain of Data Base then you may don't know what's SQL Server. SQL server is good for data base management and will make your applications save much time.
In this tutorial that doesn't include any sample, we'll learn how to install and prepare MS SQL server; I'll post sample tutorials in later time.

Project details:
1- Introduction to SQL Server 2005
2- Installation of SQL Server 2005
3- Getting started with SQL Server 2005

1- Introduction to SQL Server 2005

I think you have an idea about Data bases (even about MS Access). A data base is a group of tables. Each tables posses some content and text on it. We'll see in later tutorials that we can include images and any file format.
The Database group the data and the server help us manage those data. With the server, we can add record, delete, drop tables. We can also do queries, for example searching for special text in the database..
An example of the power of the database:
This example will show you the obvious difference that makes a server and a database.
If you make a search for example using Windows Search (not in Vista because in Vista it indexes files), and suppose that you have 100,000 files to search.
The computer will spend about 15 minutes crawling your disk and may block!
Now let's make a search with Google or Yahoo. It find the words that you are searching in less than 1 second. However it searches in billions of pages!
How this can be done? Simply those search engines are using a database.
So you see the benefits of a database.
However if you want to use SQL Server, then you need to install it on the machine where you want your application to use the database.
luckily Microsoft offer MS SQL Server Express edition for free, so your clients can install it on their machines.
This is a common and very asked question: What's the difference between Access and SQL?
Access is a database but not a server; SQL is a server, it's role is to group all the databases and to manage them.
This is what make SQL more customizable and faster. It also have many other advantages.
SQL Server can also be used on Web application!

2- Installation of SQL Server 2005

We need to install SQL Server in order to use it; SQL server is like the sea, you can't take control of all its functionalities and tools. But Don't worry, me also I don't know all SQL Server tools and settings.
This is not a problem. But if you want to become a professional I think, you must take some special lessons about it. You'll need also a long time to become professional. But this tutorial can be an introduction.
Ok first we need to prepare the computer.
We'll install the express edition that is free. You can download it from the Microsoft site.
You'll need a 1 GHZ processor (at least 600 MHZ) and 1 GB memory.
More the computer is fast, more SQL become fast. If you'll manipulate small data SQL won't be slow; but it's first starting or use may take some time (when you connect for the first time).
After downloading SQL Server (about 50 Mb), execute the installation process.
The setup will analyze your computer, this may take some time and then we'll give you the report.
You may find warnings, read out the messages. It's better to have all the item green (success).
Then press next to continue the setup.
The SQL server should be installed

3- Getting started with SQL Server 2005

Now you should have SQL Server 2005 installed, I recommend also that you download the Microsoft Online documentation about SQL Server as it includes many important and basic things.
Now we are going to focus on the most important part of this server.
So select Start > All programs > SQL Server 2005 > Configuration tools.
Here you'll find the main SQL server applications.
We'll see only the "SQL Server Configuration manager" tool.
This tools we'll allow us to stop and start the SQL servers.
Click over SQL server 2005 services to see the installed servers on your Pc.
It contains very important information and excellent tutorials.
You may need to change those properties (of each SQL Server) in future when using SQL with
Now if you want to install a new server then do it with the installation package.
There's other important things that I'm going to notice now.
Sometimes users complain that SQL server doesn't work on a network.
This is normal as you have this setting disabled by default.
To enable it and other settings, go to Protocols for YOURSERVERNAME and enable what you need.

Note: There's no source code for this tutorial
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The Zip file contains:
-The readme.txt file
-The tutorial.txt file

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If you have any problem or you found a bug, post a comment describing your problem.
If you have a general question, we highly recommend the MSDN Forums as the best Dot Net forums in the net.

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Reason of this project:
I have already explained well how to use the timer control. Now we'll try to use it in a complex (but not a lot) string problem.
The aim is to create an animation program, that reads text and make an animation by displaying the first, then the second...characters until it get the last one, then it make it again.
The speed can be also fixed. Also we'll added other settings like Mirror and Uppercase

Project details:
1- Description of the string class
2- First Step: Making a handler
3- Next Step: Making a clear plan
4- The alarm example

1- Description of the String Class:

I have explained the Timer control, you can see it just in the previous post; now I want to highlight about the String Class.
The String Class in Dot Net is different that the version 6.0 of Visual Studio. First it becomes an object, second some new features are available.
I'll highlight one: The Upper and the lower function.
This function will up case all the characters in the string or lower them.
Those function exist in VS 6.0 but I'm highlighting because we'll use them on our application.
String.length (function): return the string length as integer
String.substring (function): Retrieve a part from the string. You specify the starting and the length of this part.
Notes for integers:
n = n + 1 is the same as n += 1
n = n - 1 is the same as n -= 1
At end the string class isn't so complex or hard to use!

2- First Step: Sample aim and controls

Let's see what we need and what we won't.
The application must contain:

* A text box for the speed of the animation
* A text box for the text of the animation
* A button to start the timer
* A button to stop it (but we can also make them one button)
* A check box for Uppercase
* A check box for the mirror

Now let see what the application does.
The user type a text and set a speed. Then click Run to start the animation.
The user can choose Uppercase to make the printing results upper or to make them normal by unchecking.
If the user choose the mirror setting and the animation is running, it will stop it in order to reset the settings.
You can get many errors in this application for example if you enter a string and not an integer in the speed text box.
In this case you must use the Try Catch End Try block in order to get exceptions.
I didn't take care for this part as it isn't the subject of our work.

3- Next Step: Making a clear plan

The problem of most beginners programmers is where to start from?
They have learn a lot but they didn't know how to use their knowledge.
I'll show you how to create this project your self!
Me also I can't make such as project from the first hit (instance I mean).
I need to make parts and easier the project. I'll explain: Those are the parts that I have made before finishing my sample.

- Making an animation with a string (not variable). The project contain only a Label to show the animation. This is the most difficult part in the project and it took about 5 minutes.
- Adding the Run, Stop buttons (1 minute)
- Making the speed and the text customizable by the user (1 minute)
- Adding the Upper case check box (1 minute)
- Adding the mirror check box (2 minutes)
- Review of the project (1 minute)
- Adding comments to the code(3 minutes)

--> Total time: about 15 minutes.

It took a long time to make it! But it was finally made, because I divided my work on steps, from easier to harder and every time I make it a little bit harder.
But If you want to make it from the first time, you'll probably have errors and missed things on your application (else you are a genius).
Even with most easy case, this method is good; you learn how to organize your work.
If you are a beginner don't try to start from the last tutorial but from the first one because I'm increasing difficulty level each time.

4- Final Step: The first step

As I said in the project plan, this is the most difficult step ever.
I'll explain here only the first step, the rest you can easily understand it from the sample comment.
The aim is to have an animation that get from the first character to the last character with the help of the timer that make a time for a loop.
This is the most difficult sentence. It group all the needs; (From the first chr to the last chr) The first is always 0 and the last is always string.length.
We have only to add 1 each time the timer call the event. Plus if the n times arrived (equal) the length of the string we must reset it to 0 or stop the timer so the error don't occur.
How to get the text from the first to the last character:
result = anim.Substring(0, n)

We have to add 1 to n every time the timer call the procedure.
n += 1
If n = ln Then n = 0

But also to reset it!
See the source code for more information (read the comments).
Note: for the mirror, we'll make like we have done in the normal case but to inverse!
result = anim.Substring(n2, n)

n2 is the length (we start from the end) and decrease by 1 each time the procedure is called.

Download the source code

The Zip file contains:
-The example source code
-The readme.txt file
-The tutorial.txt file

Still have question:
If you have any problem or you found a bug, post a comment describing your problem.
If you have a general question, we highly recommend the MSDN Forums as the best Dot Net forums in the net.

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Tutorial 1: The timer control and stop watch application

Reason of this project:
Many of beginners’ programmers don’t know the timer control or how to use it to fit their needs.
For this reason, I came with this tutorial to show what the timer control is and how to use it on our application.

Project details:
1- Description of the timer control
2- The timer example
3- The speed watch example
4- The alarm example

1- Description of the timer control:

The timer control isn’t a timer and don’t show time. We use to create timer and speed watch.
How it function?
Simply, the timer control counts a period of time and then does an event.
  • You set an interval for the timer (for example 1 second)
  • You start the timer
  • The timer start counting
  • 1 Second: The timer calls an event (that you have declared)
  • The event does an action

--> And the timer loop (every 1 second).

We can say that the timer is a regular loop that does an event every interval of time that you set.

If you ask Visual Studio to get the MSDN help it'll shows:
The length of the intervals is defined by the Interval property, whose value is in milliseconds.
When the component is enabled, the Tick event is raised every interval.
This is where you would add code to be executed.
For more information, see How to: Run Procedures at Set Intervals with the Windows Forms Timer Component.
The key methods of the Timer component are Start and Stop, which turn the timer on and off.
When the timer is switched off, it resets; there is no way to pause a Timer component.

Many don't understand the MSDN help this is because you lack experience. The MSDN documentation thinks that you know every thing!
But I'll explain on an easy way how to use it and understand all this text.
To understand we'll do the first sample together, I'll explain as much as possible.
For the 2 other samples just read the comments associated to the code source.

2- The timer example

In this example we’ll create a clock that shows time. I know that every one can use the following expression: and get the time.
But now we won’t to update it, I mean every 1 second the clock refresh and show the time again.
If we use a loop this we’ll take much time of the computer process, plus the application we’ll not be stable and we’ll need threading…
With the timer control we can do the clock with less problems and code lines.
You can follow the steps to create the project or just read and see the source code.
First create a new project and name it clock.
Then take a clock control and a label control (only 2 controls)
And now double click over the form and you should be in the Form Load part.
First we need to set the timer interval. For our clock: 1 second.
Timer1.Interval = 1000

Now let’s start the timer. From this line the timer will start counting.

Now create a sub that the counter will call.
Private Sub count(ByVal MyObject As Object, _
ByVal myEventArgs As EventArgs)
Dim time As String
time = Date.Now.Hour & ":" & Date.Now.Minute & ":" & Date.Now.Second
Label1.Text = time
End Sub

The ByVal MyObject As Object and the ByVal myEventArgs As EventArgs are elementar!

Now we have to return to the form load. We need to make a relation between the timer and the sub.
So before all (starting the timer and setting the interval), add the following line.
AddHandler Timer1.Tick, AddressOf count

All is done! Now run the project.Run the project. You should see the time update every second like the Windows clock.

3- The Stop watch example

I think you understood the timer control system. So I'll give only a description of this example.
For more help read the comments to understand it better.
The speed watch as it's name, is a speed watch =)
Example aim : one button to start and stop the watch. Another button to reset.
The user can specify the interval, so another button to set the interval.

4- The alarm example

This is a clock example! But we'll added a new function: The Alarm.
You set a time where you want to show a message. When the timer control reach the time, it call the event.
For more details see the project comments.

Download the source code

The Zip file contains:
-The 3 examples source code
-The readme.txt file
-The tutorial.txt file

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