2) Use Javascript instead of VBscript.
3) Minimize the use of Forms authentication.
4) Use Connection Pooling and Object Pooling
5) Turn off Tracing unless until required
6) Turn off Session State, if not required
7) Disable View State of a Page if possible
8) Set debug=false in web.config
9) Avoid Response.Redirect as many places
10) Use the String builder to concatenate string
11) Avoid throwing exceptions. try to handle the exceptions without try catch.
12) Use Finally Method to kill resources
13) Avoid unnecessary round trips to the server
14) Use Gzip Compression
15) Use Page Output Caching and Proxy Servers
16) Use Per-Request Caching
17) Use Page.ISPostBack
18) Avoid Unnecessary Indirection
19) Use "ArrayLists" in place of arrays
20) Place StyleSheets into the Header
21) Put Scripts to the end of Document
22) Make JavaScript and CSS External
23) Use DataReader instead of Dataset
24) Make Enableviewstate property as false for the components (particularly for heavy items like datagrid, datalist etc) if it is not necessary.
25) Use xmlhttprequest object or scriptmanager to minimize post backs.
26) Declare regions for each section of codes.
27) Try to use datarepeater than any other data controls.
28) Use skins files.
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