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Dot Net Remoting In Dot Net Questions

Remoting helps in communication between two or more application. It does not matter whether it is on same computer or on different computers and it is also possible that both are using different operating system. The dot net remoting helps in number of services such as control on the lifetime of objects and also helps in transporting message in different objects using communication channels. Communication channels helps in transport message in between the remote objects.

When any messages are sent with communication channels are encoded and after this decoded with the help of dot net serialization formatters these are binary and soap. These are two kinds of encoding possible just like binary and xml encoding. Both of these have different users. Binary encoding helps full where performance is first requirement. Xml coding helps where interoperability is required.

Dot net remoting enables to perform communication between different object by using number of transportation protocols such as HTP and TCP/IP.

Dot net remoting system allows client to call objects in remoting boundaries. This boundary includes application domains, and processes in computer. To communicate between server objects and client objects we need to use object reference of server objects in client application in dot net Remoting. When we create a instance of remote objects using new keyword client get a reference to this server objects. After getting this reference client can call methods on server objects this object resides in client’s process not on different computer.

Dot net remoting proxy objects to allow the client process to get server objects. When we create instance of remoting objects dot net remoting creates a proxy object and send this to client application.

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